Dòng Nội dung
Clinical psychology : integrating science and practice / Arthur Freeman, Stephanie H. Felgoise, Denise D. Davis
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2008
505 tr. ; cm.

The history, politics, and social environment of clinical psychology -- The fields of clinical psychology -- Working with cultural diversity -- Clinical research and outcome assessment -- Why people become patients -- Introduction to assessment: the biopsychosocial systems model of human behavior -- A scientific approach to assessment and methods of gathering data -- The logistics of assessment and a closer look at interviewing -- Developing a case conceptualization -- Developing a treatment plan: therapeutic alliance and collaborative goals -- Therapeutic methods: building psychotherapy skills -- Understanding, facilitating, and evaluating change -- Impediments to change -- Effective termination -- Self-care and ethics: applying the techniques of positive psychology
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Đạo đức y học / Trần Diệp Tuấn, Trương Phi Hùng, Đỗ Văn Dũng, Nguyễn Thị Bay
H. : Y học, 2020
189 tr. ; cm.
Đại học Y dược TP.HCM. Bộ môn Y đức xã hội học

Đầu mục:0 (Lượt lưu thông:0) Tài liệu số:1 (Lượt truy cập:41)

Hướng dẫn quốc gia về đạo đức trong nghiên cứu y sinh học / Lê Thị Luyến, Nguyễn Ngô Quang, Trương Việt Dũng,...
Hà Nội, 2013
180 tr. ; cm.
Bộ Y tế. Ban đánh giá các vấn đề đạo đức trong nghiên cứu y sinh học

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Innovating Chinese Herbal Medicine : From Traditional Health Practice to Scientific Drug Discovery / Shuo Gu, Jianfeng
USA : Frontiers, 2017
6 tr. ; cm.

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