Dòng Nội dung
Project management : the managerial process / Erik W. Larson, Clifford F. Gray
New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2021
1129 tr. ; cm.

Our motivation in writing this text continues to be to provide a realistic, socio-technical view of project management. In the past, textbooks on project management focused almost exclusively on the tools and processes used to manage projects and not the human dimension
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Real world time management / Roy Alexander and Michael S. Dobson
New York : American Management Association, 2009
128 tr. ; cm.

How to think about time -- In the field: how time managers make it work -- The daily to-do list: your basic tool -- Planning: the little parachute that opens the big parachute -- Sensible project management for small to medium projects -- Effective, yes! Efficient, no! Key to priority time -- Save priority time by reducing stress -- How to avoid self-inflicted delay -- The meeting: opportunity or time waster? -- Starving out the time gobblers -- Delegation: giving it to George and Georgina to do -- Communications: time-saving plus or boring minus? -- Why do we procrastinate? And what can we do about it? -- The telephone: tool or time thief? -- Operate your workstation or it'll operate you -- Taking control of technology -- The on-the-go manager prioritizes travel time -- March of time in the global village.
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Time management / Brian Tracy
New York : American Management Association, 2014
138 tr. ; cm.

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Time management / Marc Mancini
New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003
179 tr. ; cm.

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